Must Have Items For Kids – Amelia Meyer

Xander Mom, Amelia Meyer from Suddenly A Mom shared some of her Must Have’s for the kids. Take a look and try it out.



The Gruffalo series


Imaginative, different, quirky – I just love these books and their approach to humour. They use made-up words, which are fun to say and interesting for them to sound out and learn to read.



Roald Dahl


I love listening to my daughter laugh out loud at some of the ridiculous descriptions in books like The Twits, Matilda and The BFG. And, these have old-school grammar and vocab that thrill me to my core.




It stimulates imagination, is great for fine motor skills, and keeps her occupied for HOURS.




This card game is fabulous for family time and encourages her to think and plan a little. I do worry about how very competitive she can become – who is she even?



The beach


I will never underestimate the power of the cool sand and the tumbling waves to relax us as a whole family, and to have endless amounts of fun. A walk on the beach is a must if there’s something on your child’s mind – it often prompts them to share their thoughts, as there’s no eye contact and the vibe is generally more chilled than at home.




Every year, we camp for about a month at Yellow Sands. It’s such an adventure, and the time flies. These times are when our best memories are made.





It is a bit of a mystery to me why kids love Minecraft so much (I think I’m thrown by the blurry graphics), but I love that they are. It teaches them to see things from all angles, develops their 3-D imagination, and gives them a huge sense of accomplishment when they’ve built their golden castle or pineapple hotel.

JW Library



This is a cute app for kids with amazing videos that help them with the moral side of life. There are ones for lying, stealing, being generous, forgiving, etc… There are also songs and comics. For teens, there are other animations and activities too (like, how to cope with bullying, falling in love, and peer pressure).



Catch up with Amelia on her blog here and catch her on Facebook and Twitter.