Experts: Mobile Developers

This week we took time to speak to the developers who build the Xander apps about their lives, their work and what they think of using apps and mobile technology for educational purposes.


Nico Ungerer



Tell us about yourself and your background?

Father of one little princess, UX lover & avid adventurer. I got my marketing degree (training wheels) from Stellenbosch University and decided to go into the world of web straight after graduation. After 12 years in the software industry, I co-founded Digital & Beyond & now focus my energy on UI/UX & building apps.

Explain what a graphic designer/ app developer does in 2 sentences?

We design/create great user experiences & apps. We can also do magic.

What has been your favourite education app to work on?

A local tutor app we were part of a while back & the Xander apps.

Why do you think education apps are important?

Kids are spending more time online than ever before, and they like it, so I feel it’s best to have these educational apps readily available in the app stores – so that schools can also start catching on to the migration from paper to digital.

What’s your favourite personal app and why?

Google Maps, it prevents me from getting lost, which I’m really good at.


Martin Stolk



Tell us about yourself and your background?

My name is Martin Stolk, I am 23 years old. I have been developing software for about 10 years. I recently got my degree in applied mathematics and computer science. I enjoy building new, cool and innovative things in technology and like making a positive difference.

Explain what a mobile app developer does in 5 words?

We make your smartphone useful.

What has been your favourite education app to develop?

Xander Spelling (The word search took hours of time “testing”)

Why do you think education apps are important?

Educational apps get young children thinking and learning from a young age. Helping them develop in an easy and accessible way. It helps them learn when they want to learn and by adding in gamification it allows them to actually enjoying learning new skills and further giving them an advantage when they start going to school.

What’s your favourite personal app and why?

Google Maps! I get lost very very easily. It’s been a lifesaver!


Cornelius Greyling



Tell us about yourself and your background?

I’m head of sales and customer relations at Avocado Chocolate. I’m also a 23 year old part time computer science student at NMMU. I have always had a passion for technology. I was an early adopter of Android and bought my first android phone when I was 14. This love for technology lead me to start my first mobile development company at the age of 17.

Explain what a mobile app developer does in 5 words?

They codes applications for mobiles.

What has been your favourite education app to develop?

The most fun app to develop was Xander Spel grade 8 – 10. The word search game is still one of my favourite games on my phone.

Why do you think education apps are important?

Education apps facilitate learning through playing. This gives parents the freedom of mind to know that their kids are not  wasting their time in front of their iPads. Children are also tricked into learning as gamefication of these apps allow short term goals to build into long term rewards.

What’s your favourite personal app and why?

I like to purge my device from unnecessary apps every few weeks. Except for social media and messaging I love to use my cellphone to stay up to date on everything around me. My favourite news app at the moment is Briefme. It gives a top 10 list of all the news on topics ranging from Business, Sport, World, Tech and entertainment. It uses a smart algorithm to tell you what articles are worthy of your time that day.


If you need an app or just want to chat about your future as a mobile app developer you can reach these guys at their websites AvoChoc or Digital & Beyond.