Xander Mom: Victoria Cloete


Tell us about yourself?

Hello there, I’m Victoria Cloete a 34 year old wife and mother of one living in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape. I’m a digital copywriter and lifestyle blogger with an unhealthy habit of eating cake for breakfast. My favourite past times includes reading glossy magazines, daydreaming and watching the Kardashians.



Tell us about your blog?

I have a lifestyle, career and motherhood blog called Social Media Blooms. I love giving advice and reviews on social media, beauty products and blogging over there. I’ve been really privileged to collaborate with amazing brands such as Revlon, Johnson & Johnson and more recently, the Red & Yellow Creative School of Business. I also offer social media services and I just really love the creative freedom my blog gives to me.

How do you feel about using technology as part of learning?

If it wasn’t for technology I wouldn’t have been able to create an income as a digital nomad for myself. Because of this I have only good things to say about it. In terms of using technology as part of learning? I think it’s absolutely fantastic! My 2 year old girl plays educational games on my iPad all the time and she learns so much through it.

What are your kid’s favourite apps?

Milania loves My Baby Friend, Forest Flyer and a somewhat frightening game called Roacher. You have to kill tiny cockroaches and other colorful spiders by touching the screen. Eek!

What do you love about South Africa and raising your children here?

Like previously mentioned, I live in Namaqualand, a tranquil area with houses and big open yards that gets lots of fresh air. I also love the fact that South Africa has a world of opportunities for creative thinkers, it’s wonderful to know that Milania can become whoever she wants to be when she grows up.

TV “Yes” or “No”?

TV, of course yes. It’s such an amazing educational platform.

What is in the lunchbox?

Currently its fish fingers or chicken nuggets, cheese and grapes.

How do you balance it all – in one sentence?

I pray a lot and there’s always wine in the fridge.

Do you children do chores at home, if so what and how do you manage it?

Milania’s a little too young to understand the concept of chores but when we get to that point my aim is to make it fun so it doesn’t feel like a chore. I’d like for her to think of it as making things pretty and thereby putting everything in its place.

What is your favourite holiday plans/ activities with kids?

We really love reading or in this case flipping through picture books. Building puzzles and dancing are also fun for us.


Catch up with Victoria and her family on here blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.