March App Review: Kid’s Choice

This month our reviewers picked their favourite apps and shared their thoughts with us.


Onalo Konono: Subway Surfer

First up Onalo Konono (aged 7) from East London showed us how to play her favourite app, Subway Surfer. Take a look at what she had to say about this fun game.


The app is available for FREE on both iTunes and the Google Playstore. This app can provide hours of fun challenges engaging your child’s fine motor skills while providing entertaining scenery and graphics. Kids everywhere will enjoy this game.


Alyssa Malan: PlayDoh Touch

Next, meet 4 year old Alyssa Malan from Cape Town who showed us how to play her favorite app, PlayDoh Touch. This looks like a really fun app for kids of all ages.

This colorful and interactive app is perfect to introduce young children to deliberate screen time aimed at encouraging fine motor skill practice. Children of all ages will enjoy playing this game which is FREE on iTunes and the Google Playstore.



Likamua and Lehakoe Boxoza: Talking Tom & Octopie

Meet sisters Likamva (6 years old) and Lehakoe (4 years old), from the blog Chocolate Hair Sisters. They have taken some time out to tell us about their favourite apps.


Octopie will give your child hours of fun with really good graphics and inventive challenges to keep them engaged. It’s available for FREE on iTunes and the Google Playstore.


Talking Tom is a very popular app amongst young children. It has fun activities and provides a virtual pet scenario for kids similar to that of the 90’s Tamagotchi, as some of us will remember. The app is available for FREE on iTunes and the Google Playstore.



If you would like your child to be featured on one of our monthly Kid’s App Review blogs send us an email to or chat to us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.